Monday, April 16, 2012

What's your superpower?

I would love to hear from you the answers to the following 4 questions!
  1. What's the best thing that has happened to you this week.
  2. What's the greatest discovery you have had this week?
  3. What's your superpower that makes you the superhero that you are? Or - If you were one of the X-Men, what would your special ability be?
  4. What's your kryptonite?
I can't wait to hear from all of you!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Acceleration!

Sunday, I had the opportunity to begin a new series for the month of April - Acceleration!

In this season of Initiation, sometimes it becomes easy to lose site of the assignments God has given you to complete. In fact, many times, we're just too slow. There is so much work to be done for the Kingdom, yet there are so many distractions along the way.

The conversion of Saul to Paul gives us much insight into the type of acceleration we need if we are to accomplish the purpose and reach the destiny that God has in store for us. My favorite part is when Saul asks the question, what am I to do - this is a question of purpose. He's looking for the big answer that makes his destiny clear and easily attainable. The answer he receives is go to Damascus and I'll tell you more there. Our pursuit of purpose and destiny is always one decision at a time.

He advances to Damascus with the help of the people he has surrounding him and receives clarification which does not clarify much at the time. The Lord tells him through Ananais, I'm going to give you the ability to see and hear God. Saul still expected the revelation to be bigger than it was. Have you ever been in a situation where the anticipation of what God has for you is seemingly bigger than the revelation you receive upon impartation? Saul probably thought, "is that it?" "what's the rest?". It wasn't until his ability to see and hear God in a crisis allowed him to escape defeat at the hand of the enemy that the magnitude of the revelation showed itself. Sometimes, the process seems bigger than the lesson - until the need for the lesson becomes visible to you! God's instructions to him this time were to HURRY UP and get out of there - to ACCELERATE and get to the next step of his process which would lead him to his destiny.

I want to encourage you now to grab on to the assignment God has given you for your next step. It may seem small now, but He is preparing you for your future. There's something you're learning in your current process and assignment that will become more meaningful than you can realize in your future. Hurry up and accelerate to your assignment; accomplish all that God has for you to accomplish where you are so that you can successfully get to where you're going!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Friday Night Flow & Fellowship - Week One!

Join us this Friday at 7pm for a Good Friday Flow with Pastor Razel Jones, Lady Camille Jones and Presence and our special guest speaker, Pastor Eric Tolbert of Lighthouse Battle Creek. We are looking forward to a mighty move of God and flow of the Holy Spirit! Visit the facebook event page to join the conversation about the event and to let us know if you have more questions! Hope you join the flow, Friday at 7pm at Victory Life Christian Ministries, 430 N Third - Big Rapids, MI 49307! Stay tuned for more updates about the rest of the Fridays in April!