Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Shaping Your Strengths/Job Skills - Empowerment Month

On Sunday night, I had the privilege of ministering at Grace for the Nations Church during their Empowerment month. I spoke on a subject that I train on, on a regular basis, the Strengths assessment and job readiness skills; the session was entitled "Shaping Your Strengths/Job Skills." Thank you to Pastor T Lauchie' Lady Eva and the Grace for the Nations family for the invitation. I was sent home with several cards with questions and comments on them; below, I will do my best to respond to the questions:

  • What is the best way to handle a multi-person interview, without losing your cool?
Interviewing is an art in itself. Here are a few tips that you may find helpful: 
    1. Share your attention and eye contact with every individual - be careful not to just focus on one of the interviewers. 
    2. Make sure to get everyone's name in the room - you'll need it during the interview and also for sending thank you notes after the interview.
    3. Prepare questions in advance of the interview for the interviewers.
    4. Remember, not only are they interviewing you, but you're also interviewing them. Just like they're trying to see if you will fit with their company, you need to see if their company fits with you.
    5. Relax - breathe, and trust your research and preparation.
  • Pastor Jones, I have taken the Strengths builder assessment; however, my wife has not... how can I get a code so she can take it? I am sure she will want to after I go home and reteach your material. 
    1. You can purchase codes at the StrengthsQuest site for $9.99 - StrengthsQuest is the educational site for Strengths. 
    2. You can also purchase various Gallup Strengths books (containing codes) on the StrengthsFinder site
  • Do you conduct behavioral based interviews consisting of job competencies?
    1. My personal approach to interviewing is strongly influenced by behavioral based principles. I wouldn't say I totally rely on this approach though. Learning of past behavior and experience is a good indicator of future performance, but not the only indicator. For instance, I could have a lot of experience doing something, but not be passionate, or even good at it - in this case, hearing about my experience could let you know that I know about it, but would not necessarily let you know whether I am strong at the particular task/behavior or not. 
    2. During our session, we spent some time on a handout called, "At My Best" - this particular activity tied past performance to future behavior and showed the trends of how our Strengths have been most active in the best times of our lives. This understanding of the activity of our Strengths in positive situations demonstrates the best things about us - these are the kinds of things to highlight in behavioral based interviews. 
  • What is the best way to get a print off or hard copy of a resume' to give your soon-to-be employer when in an interview?
    1. Once you have a final version of your resume' written, you can print it on resume' paper from your home printer or have a printing company print it for you. 
    2. Many companies are attempting to be paperless, and therefore have moved to only accepting digital copies of job materials. 
    3. It is nice to take something tangible to give to interviewers, but I would recommend something other than the job materials that you have already turned in digitally to the company. You can find something specifically related to the job you're applying for to bring a hard copy of to the interview. For instance, if you're interviewing for a design job, bring a real copy of some designs you have done in past roles or in preparation for the particular interview - for a writing job, bring some writing samples - for a childcare job, bring some projects you've had children work on while in your care or letters of parents of children you have cared for. Be creative, be relevant, and be strategic about what you give the interviewers. 
  • I am trying to live by faith; I am trying to get away from what I know; how do I use these Strengths when I do not want to lean to my own understanding, but by faith in Jesus Christ?
    1. These strengths are God's gift to you. The other part of the scripture that you didn't state is "in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." That part of the scripture is the answer to your question. Use your Strengths - in doing so, acknowledge that they come from Him and pay attention to where He is directing you to use the investment that He has made in you. 
  • Is it okay to go for a job that you academically don't qualify for if you are skilled at the position naturally? 
    1. You can apply. Different organizations have different academic standards for what they will or won't accept. Some jobs will accept experience in lieu of the academic qualifications. Some jobs won't. If not meeting the educational requirements for a position seems to be a consistent roadblock for getting you into the doors that you would love to be in, perhaps this is God's way of urging you to pursue the academic credentials necessary to gain opportunity in the field you're desiring. In order to turn that natural talent area into a real strength, you have to add knowledge (some of which comes through educational processes) and skill (which is also often honed through educational processes). If you can add theory to your ability, you will be more qualified for better opportunities. 
  • Once you develop or recognize your strength, when is the right time or opportunity to seek a pay increase?
    1. Seeking pay increases is tricky. Everyone feels that they deserve a pay increase and everyone wants to be paid more, but the reality is that companies have limited resources to compensate for unlimited work. The best way to seek a pay increase is by demonstrating your value to the company consistently, by showing that you add incredible value, and by proving yourself to be invested in the company. The message bible says in Proverbs 18:16: "A gift gets attention; it buys the attention of eminent people." Effective use of your gifts, talents, abilities, and strengths will not go unnoticed. 
    2. Our first responsibility is to manage what we have; show God He can trust us with what we have and then He can open us up to more. Be faithful over little and He will make you ruler over much. Psalm 75:6-7 informs us, "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge; he putteth down one, and setteth up another." Ultimately, your elevation and increase is up to God. He will supply all of your needs according to His riches and glory and if you delight in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart. Your increase is in His hands; He is your source! 
  • When do you know it is time to seek other employment if you skills are not being recognized?
    1. Your skills not being recognized is not necessarily a reason to move on. Major moves in life necessitate the direction and guidance of God. Let Him order your steps. If you give Him opportunity, He will be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. You can use your talents and strengths in any position. Sometimes, God allows us to go through seasons where others are not recognizing our skills and where we don't understand why we are where we are - but, our lack of understanding does not necessarily mean that we are outside of where God wants us. Don't make moves and then seek God - seek God before making moves. Perhaps you are in a season where you are being humbled; perhaps something is being developed in you that you will need in your future. Don't move before God moves you. Trust Him even when you can't trace Him and work diligently to figure out what God wants you to get out of your current situation. When you get what you need to get, He will move you to what's next! Trust His plan. 
Feel free to leave more questions and comments on this post as we continue the discussion from Empowerment Month! For more information on Empowerment Month, visit http://www.gftnc.org/