Friday, August 27, 2010


Connect was awesome as usual. I am extremely grateful for Abraham's obedience! To love God so much that he was willing to do one of the hardest things a parent could be asked to do and sacrifice his child. Thank God for the ram in the bush at the last minute, but because of Abraham's obedience, God made a covenant with him that He would bless his lineage and that Abraham would be the father of many nations.

We are a part of that lineage. Imagine what kind of state we would be in today if Abraham had not obeyed the Lord. Do we love the Lord enough to do what Abraham did? Do we have enough faith in our situations to do the hard things that the Lord has asked of us while also having faith that everything is going to be alright in the end? Do we have that Abraham kind of faith and obedience?

Looking forward to Connect next week!


  1. I agree Lady C! It makes you wonder who all will be blessed by our obedience to God! Obedience is better than sacrifice. Jesus was our ram in the bush! He was that lamb Abraham mentioned God would provide for himself. I am happy that God included us in the contract. He adopted us into the royal family.

  2. Well said Sister Jessica. I think Lady C's last sentence is powerful. We all need to ask ourselves if we have the faith and obedience to do what Abraham was willing to do.
