Friday, February 18, 2011


In our discussion of Exodus this week in Connect, we tried to answer several questions. We had great responses with life changing applications for our own lives. Questions and responses are highlighted below. Add your responses and comment on our responses!

What can we learn about leadership from Moses' example?
  • Anyone can be a leader. God enables us.
  • Leaders follow God's instructions/obey God.
  • Leaders respect God.
  • Leaders lead by example and do what is right.
  • Leaders respect and care for the people they are leading.
  • Leaders pray for their people/advocate for their people.
  • Leaders are persistent and persevere.
  • Leaders are sometimes isolated.
  • Leaders are content in serving others and serving God regardless of other people's opinions.
  • Leaders don't compromise what God told them to do.
  • Leaders realize their role and function effectively within that role.
  • Leaders surround themselves with people who will hold them up as Aaron held up Moses' arms/staff when he became week.
  • Leaders can't be everything to everyone.
  • Leaders are humble.
  • Leaders are responsible for the people they lead.
  • Leaders must be totally dependent on God.
  • Leaders are anointed.
What have we learned about God's nature toward His people while reading Exodus?
  • God is patient and long suffering.
  • God leads by loving example.
  • God has emotions.
  • God has high expectations for his people.
  • God will never call you to do something that you cannot do.
  • God desires intimacy with his people.
  • God speaks to us.
  • God can/will change his mind for us.
  • God honors his promises and we need to remind him of his promises to us.
  • God is faithful.
How are we like the children of Israel? What lessons can we learn from them?
  • We don't take heed right away.
  • We often don't internalize God's instructions so that they guide our decisions.
  • We need deliverance.
  • Many of us don't know our own identity.
  • Many of us are living beneath our privilege.
  • Many of us have a slave mentality.
  • Many of us believe the labels that are put on us and consequently live out those labels.
  • Many of our prolong our process/"How long will you make your process?"
What did we learn about the Holy Spirit in Exodus?
  • The Holy Spirit guides leaders around the other leaders with special anointing to meet needs.
  • The Holy Spirit gives us gifts that may not be common.
  • The gifts that the Holy Spirit gives us may be the first time that we have seen that gift seen. Your anointing may be the FIRST.
We also discussed wisdom as it is discussed in the first five chapter of Proverbs, but we'll have to hold off on that discussion for a future blog. We have plenty to meditate on already! Looking forward to reading your posts and revelations! Don't miss Connect next week. We will continue with our plan of reading the Bible in the year. See the website for our reading plan and jump on the bandwagon. It's not too late to start!


  1. wow - a lot was covered! So, are you all leaders, or what?

  2. Connect was great!!! I do believe that God has called me to be a leader. I'm working very hard to be obedient and to listen to His voice.I want to not only be a hearer but a doer of His word. God really has been having His way with me, and I feel that its very important to understand to God will not call you to do something He has not given you the ability to do. With that being said, I want God to help my unbelief, I believe in His promises, and His power, and what ever He will's for me to do, I want to do. God has increased my courage and faith, and I'm ready and willing to be a follower of Christ, and lead others to Him.

  3. I believe that all of us who attended Connect this week had either a revelation or a confirmation through our discussion and study that we are called to be believers. Some of us have to figure out what that entails and what gifts the Holy Spirit is developing in us to be used by the body. I'm excited to hear that you received a confirmation too, Brother Cedric!
