Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Unfortunate Ability

Today, I just have a thought that I want to share with you. It is a thought that I woke up with this morning and I feel the need to share. Many of us struggle with an unfortunate ability and even tendency to settle.

We had big dreams, big initiate goals, big hopes for our future, big vision - plans to end up in a certain kind of house, career, relationship, church etc. but as life has kept going and we didn't see what we envisioned come to pass, somewhere along the way, we have reasoned in our minds (or perhaps, we have entertained the enemy reasoning with us) and have become convinced that what we once saw, will not be. Therein, we have become complacent and comfortable with the idea of settling for less than our vision.

To settle is to accept less than. In financial terms it has to do with compromising in a way where you tend to accept less than what you were owed in order to make sure you walk away with something rather than nothing. But, I believe deep within yourself, there is a part of you that cries out to God saying, Lord, I want everything you have for me! I believe there is a remnant of people who exist who would say, I want God's perfect will for my life. I'm lonely right now, but I would rather wait on the person God has for me than find myself, once again, trying to make something happen and settling for less than God's plan for my life. Don't let anyone tell you that is selfish. If God has given you a vision of your future, that is your movie preview and you need to use that as a baseline and guidelines for what/who you will accept and give a chance and what/who you should just let keep walking past your life! Settling can cause the plan of God to be interrupted in your life!

We've all done it before. We've been living in an apartment for 8 months and we know it's time to have our own house. We make our God-inspired list of our "have to haves" - what we know we need in a house - Lord, I need 2 bedrooms, an attached garage, air conditioning and a safe neighborhood, I'll be flexible about everything else, but I need that - then, 4 more months pass by and an opportunity finally presents itself that has 1 bedroom, a detached garage and a box fan in the window, but it is in a safe neighborhood... It is at that point where we must decide, will I wait on my vision or will I settle! Once we grow tired of waiting, many of us change our "have to have" lists midstream. We even have this interesting ability to focus in on the 1 thing that's right, instead of the 3 things that are wrong. Well, I know it's missing a bedroom, the garage is detached and there's no air conditioning, but it sure is a great neighborhood; I would hate to miss out on this neighborhood. So, we settle... and then become angry with God every time we're reminded of what we don't have. Well God... I had company come over today, where are they supposed to sleep - I only have one bedroom... Lord, it's raining and I have to walk from this garage to this house, I told you I wanted an attached garage. Lord, it's HOT in here; I'm so tired of living like this. We actually get frustrated with God for decisions we have made. He never told you to settle; in fact, He showed you a vision of what you need.

You can change the example to anything - I've been in an uncomfortable spot for quite a while now and I know God wants me to move into a better position. Make the God-inspired list of the "have to haves" - determine what you need and what you can be flexible with and then wait on the Lord. There's the part where it gets challenging - how long are you willing to wait? What if He doesn't deliver in your time expectations. Will you keep on waiting or will you settle? Will you wait on your vision or will you settle?

Yes, there are some things you should be willing to compromise on, if it's something that was only produced from your thoughts, your mind and God didn't really have anything to do with it... but, if God has a plan for your life, don't compromise, don't waiver and don't settle. Don't miss the full extent of what God has for you by settling because of impatience and discomfort! They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength! (Isaiah 40:31).  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Consecration Progress

Leading up to September, I believe the Lord spoke to me with instructions about a unique Consecration. In August we studied about the Whisper of God in Connect and the teaching led us to a discussion of the Spiritual Disciplines. Armed with that inspiration and leading, we jumped into the Spiritual Disciplines Consecration in September and have continued it into October!

We keep progressing and are turning up the levels of the Consecration and we keep experiencing the supernatural favor and flow of God in our lives, in our services, in our relationships, in our circumstances. Wonderful things are being ushered into our lives through this Consecration. Welcome to the Outpour! 

I just wanted to stop and reflect and get your feedback on how the Consecration is going so far from your perspective. Tell me about your experience: What's the most challenging part? What's the easiest part? What's the most rewarding part? What have been the benefits of this particular Consecration in your life to date?

I look forward to hearing from the participants about this journey so far. Keep on keeping on - God has greater things in store for you!

Friday, October 5, 2012


October Outpour, phase 10. Join us on Sundays at 1:00 p.m. for the month of October as we experience the Outpour! Fresh oil, new wine, and living water is flowing! Our vessels are ready to receive the flow!

Now, we want to hear from you.

  1. What type of an Outpour are you expecting? 
  2. Tell us about how God has been flowing and pouring into your life!