Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Anything is Possible

To believe that anything is possible, one must first reject the idea of limitations. This past Sunday we observed a story of a man who asked Jesus to help his unbelief! The man was beginning to realize that the very thing he always wanted was never a possibility to him because he did not believe. He now wanted God to help him to believe that the impossible was possible. God is telling us to transform our way of thinking from the carnal realm, governed by fear, doubt, and limitations to the spiritual realm which is governed by faith and belief. If we do this we will begin to demonstrate or act out His good, acceptable, and perfect will. So when we partner with Christ, a whole new world of opportunities becomes available to us! This is why Jesus said "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matt. 19:26) Belief activates possibilities! What do you believe God will make possible for you? As for me, Everything!


  1. I believe its possible that i could play the drums (set), lol, always wanted to but never thought it would actually happen, now I'm thinking about the possibility.

  2. Bro. Ced - u should talk 2 Bro. Brian.

  3. Great insight Jessica! How many of us SAY we have faith, but don't really BELIEVE? We have to activate our faith with the belief. Good stuff!
    Cedric, I didn't know that about you. What would you try if you knew you couldn't fail?

  4. Lady C is right on the money, Ced.

    I'm back working on that book that Pastor has been talking about.
