Thursday, November 11, 2010

In the beginning...

What a wonderful time we shared at Connect this week learning about the creation, and most importantly, the Creator! Where do I begin? How about in the beginning, starting with the creation. God begins to speak words (Jesus/the Word) and things that were not there before suddenly appear! He continues this for six days, and every time He made something, He turned around and complemented Himself, saying that what He'd made was good. Then He really outdid Himself when He made man, male and female. I could just imagine God like "watch this, watch this" BAM!!! The Spirit and Jesus were probably like "Aww they look just like us!" Then God, looking at what he had just created gives Himself props again like "Whoa, this is very good" (JRV-Jessica Robinson Version). There was so much we learned, this is just a little bit. Tell me, what part was your favorite, and why?


  1. I like how God complemented himself. We need to take time to complement ourselves

  2. My favorite is realizing the power we have from being in His image alone! Also how He knew men and women before He created us then, He spoke us into existence. In the human form this is visions. Pastor topped it off when he said that our faith will bring those very things to pass as we pull them out of the spiritual world! Just being in His image is an true honor!

  3. It was a great session. I'm still thinking on it and getting revelation from it. We were created before we existed - that was deep. We were in the mind of God - when He speaks, things come from His mind into our reality. That's why He can say, before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and ordained you... Light, sky, land, trees, animals, everything first lived in the mind of God and through His Word, it came into existence in our reality.

  4. We operate in the same way because we're created in His Image and likeness... so, things exist in our minds and when we take on the mind of Christ, it becomes our purpose and our passion to bring what is in our mind into existence in our reality.

  5. He shares visions with us and we see it in our minds - in the Spirit realm - then, we are tasked with bringing these visions into our reality. Faith is a tool God has given us that allows us to bring vision and purpose from the Heavenly/Spiritual realm into our reality realm here on Earth.

  6. Yeah, great feedback Bro Chris and Sis Jennifer! Pastor you always put things in such a way that makes the Word so exciting!

    It's awesome that God created stuff and he didn't even know what it was called, he would just describe it's attributes and character and it would.....BECOME. He was just creating and naming, creating and naming. He is so out of the box...can we be more like Him? That's what I'm striving for. So what if I think of something that no one has ever heard or thought of...I was created in His image, I'm out the box boo!

    God is amazing...He's a bad man!

  7. All I know is that there are a lot of messages in this conversation we've been having at Connect and continuing here on the V-Life blog! I'm glad I'm not missing out on any of this!

  8. I agree with Chris, I think that we need to compliment ourselves more. Speak good things, speak life and positive things to our selves instead of being so negative.
    Lady C, I like how your comment "so what if I think of something that no one else has ever heard or thought of..." and Pastor "He shares visions with us and we see it in our minds - in the Spirit realm - then, we are tasked with bringing these visions into our reality." That challenges me to start seeking God after how I can bring the visions that He has given me to life. I don't believe that the visions we see or the dreams we have are just to be seen or dreamed in our minds. I believe that we have those visions in order for us to see the end product of our destiny.

  9. Good perspective Tracey, I agree. It is in our nature to create, to speak the impossible into possibility, and the unrealistic into reality! Today I say, Let there be productivity, greatness, and favor in my life. Now that I have declared it, the spiritual realm has already decreed "And there was productivity, greatness, and favor in my life". Notice the world we see was all formed by what God said. Now I pose this question: What will your world or reality look like based on what you say?
