Thursday, November 4, 2010

November in Connect

We had a great beginning to our November Connect sessions.

Some Overcomers chose to watch the DVD entitled, "Everything is Spiritual". Join their discussion of the content over the upcoming weeks of November.

Other Overcomers chose to learn to knit. In this class we are on a mission. We want to complete our scarf projects to give to those in need during the holidays.

Young Overcomers learned that we learn from the Bible.

It's not to late to join us. We have something for everyone!


  1. I'm learning to knit and it is so amazing. It is teaching me to have soooooo much patience:-)This is my first time knitting and it is a slow process, but with God's help I will be able to overcome and make a warm scarf for VLIFE to give away to someone in need in the community. CONNECT IS AWESOME!
